How to represent movie stars in the human brain

Christof Koch , The Lois & Victor Troendle Professor of Cognitive & Behavioral Biology & Professor of Computation & Neural Systems, Division of Biology and Division of Engineering and Applied Science, Caltech

Last year, our group - in collaboration with the neurosurgeon Dr. Itzhak Fried at UCLA Medial School - reported (Quian-Quiroga et al., Nature 2005) the discovery of individual neurons in the brains of patients that respond in a highly selective, invariant and sparse manner to images of famous individuals (e.g. the actress Jennifer Anniston), landmark buildings etc. I will explain this in more detail, deduce some theoretical properties of such a specialized representation and describe related experiments with implications for the neuronal correlates of consciousness (NCC). I will finish my presentation by arguing that it is very implausible that such – and related results – depend on macroscopic quantum phenomena as is now often asserted (Koch & Hepp, Nature 2006).