Carbon Nanoelectronics and Sensors
Marc Bockrath, Assistant Professor of Applied Physics, Caltech
In my talk I will discuss a number of our ongoing experiments on carbon nanotubes and graphene. In recent work, we have demonstrated that dilute hole systems in carbon nanotubes are manifestations of a one-dimensional Wigner crystal. The holes form a spin chain that shows distinct regimes of magnetic
ordering versus magnetic field and charge density. Our results provide a clear demonstration of the effects of electron-electron correlations in low-dimensional sysems. We have also taken steps towards using individual carbon nanotube nanomechanical resonators as ultra-sensitive mass detectors. We have achieved a noise floor of ~100 atomic mass units per root Hz. The prospects for single atomic mass unit sensitivity and chemical or isotope discrimination will be discussed. Furthermore, in collaboration with the Winfree and Goddard groups at Caltech we have used DNA origami as templates for the self-assembly of carbon nanotube circuits. The self-assembled circuits can be deposited on insulating substrates and their transport properties determined.
Finally, we have developed a nanoscale voltage-programmable switch based on graphene. These switches can be cycled many tens of thousands of times without degrading and may enable non-volatile memories or logic gates to be incorporated into graphene electronics. Our latest results will be discussed.