Entangled Electrons in the Solid State:  Quantum Interference and Dephasing

Moty Heiblum, Braun Center for Sub Micron Research, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

I will describe two experiments, where pairs of electrons were entangled in a solid state Mach-Zehnder interferometer, leading to entirely different outcomes.

In one experiment a 'which path' detector was entangled with an interferometer, leading to total dephasing of the interference. The lost interference was recovered by doing a 'post selection' type measurement (via cross-correlating currents); proving that phase information stayed in the system.

In another experiment two remote, indistinguishable, electrons were entangled without ever interacting with each other. Since they propagated along different paths (in a novel 'two particle interferometer'), the electrons interfered only due to their exchange statistics.