Mottness and Holography: Strange Metal from UV-IR Mixing

Philips W. Phillips, Professor of Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

24 years after the discovery of superconductivity in the copper-oxide ceramics (hereafter cuprates), the central problem remains the anomalous properties of the normal state. The key anomaly is the strange metal in which the resistivity scales as a linear function of temperature rather than the characteristic quadratic dependence of Lev Landau's standard theory of metals. I will show how the strong correlations in the basic model for the cuprates leads naturally to UV-IR mixing and composite excitations which mediate T-linear resistivity. I will also show that a class of bottom-up gravitational models exhibits some of the key ingredients of cuprate physics, including UV-IR mixing and the dynamical generation of a gap. This opens the possibility that holography can uncloak the nature of strongly coupled superconductivity in the cuprates.