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Vol. 46 No. 1
PMA Seminar Calendar
September 25 - 29, 2017

MONDAY, September 25 - Beginning of Instruction for Fall Term

TUESDAY, September 26
SRL Sack Lunch Seminar, 11 am, 273 Cahill
"The Swift Bulge Survey - in search of the faintest X-ray transients," Aaron Shaw, University of Alberta

WEDNESDAY, September 27
Astronomy Colloquium, 4 pm, Hameetman Auditorium, Cahill
"SPHEREx: An All-sky Infrared Spectral Survey Explorer Satellite," Jamie Bock, Caltech

THURSDAY, September 28
Physics Research Conference, 4 pm, 201 E Bridge
"Illuminating biology at the nanoscale and systems scale by imaging," Xiaowei Zhuang, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, David B. Arnold Jr. Professor of Science, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Professor of Physics, Harvard University
Voyager Golden Record Panel Discussion, 7:30 pm, Beckman Auditorium

FRIDAY, September 29
High Energy Theory Seminar, 11 am, 469 Lauritsen
"TBA," Philip Argyres, University of Cincinnati
TAPIR Seminar, 2 pm, 370 Cahill
"Testing the Caustic Ring Dark Matter Halo Model Against Observations in the Milky Way," Julie Dumas, Fisk-Vanderbilt Bridge Postdoctoral Fellow, Vanderbuilt University
GALCIT Colloquium, 3 pm, 133 Guggenheim (Lees-Kubota Lecture Hall)
"Space and Earth Robotic Exploration at JPL," Michael Watkins, Dr., Aerospace, JPL
Geometry and Topology Seminar, 3 pm, Building 15, Room 104
"Geometric Structures with Quasi-Hitchin," Holonomy Daniele Alessandrini, Mathematical Institute, University of Heidelberg

Webmaster: Sheri Stoll, sstoll at caltech(dot)edu