Physics Research Conference 2007-08

The Physics Research Conference is held on Thursday at 4:00 P.M. in 201 E. Bridge, unless otherwise noted. Refreshments are served in 114 E. Bridge at 3:45 P.M. If that room is not available, they are served in 108 E. Bridge. All talks are intended for a broad audience, and everyone is encouraged to attend. 

* Links access abstracts and biographical information





October 4
Bill Marciano
Brookhaven National Lab

Neutrino CP Violation Deep Underground

Robert McKeown

October 11

Andrea Liu
U of Penn


Jim Eisenstein

October 18
Alexander Kusenko

Neutrinos: the dark side of the light fermions

Marc Kamionkowski

October 25

Edward Farhi

John Preskill

November 1
Chetan Nayak
Station Q, UCSB

The Quantum Hall Effect, Non-Abelian Anyons, and Topological Quantum Computation

Gil Refael

November 8
Rick Gaitskell
Brown University

Noble Travails: XENON10, LUX and Other Noble Liquid Detectors Searching for Particle Dark Matter

Robert McKeown

November 15
Leo Radzihovsky
University of Colorado, Boulder

Condensed matter physics with cold atomic gases

Gil Refael

November 29
James Hansen
Goddard Institute
for Space Studies

The Threat to the Planet: Dark and Bright Sides of Global Warming

Diana Kormos-Buchwald

December 6
H. Jeff Kimble

Scalable Quantum Networks
with Atoms and Photons

Marc Kamionkowski

January 10
Gary Sanders
Thirty Meter Telescope Project
The Thirty Meter Telescope Project:
Opening the Next Generation of
Giant Optical/Infrared Telescope

Tom Soifer

January 17
Jun Ye
JILA/NIST/U of Colorado

Quantum metrology with precision light
and ultracold atoms

Marc Kamionkowski

January 24
Ned S Wingreen
Modeling the chemosensing system of E. coli

Michael Roukes

January 31
Guifre Vidal
University of Queensland

John Preskill

February 7
Karsten Heeger
University of Wisconsin
Precision Measurements of Neutrino Oscillation Parameters with Reactor Neutrinos

Robert McKeown

February 14
Moty Heiblum
Weizmann Institute of Science

Entangled Electrons in the Solid State: 
Quantum Interference and Dephasing

Jim Eisenstein

February 21
Heinrich Jaeger
University of Chicago

Jim Eisenstein

February 28
Michael Elowitz

The noisy dynamics of choices
among possible cellular states

Michael Roukes

March 6
Marc Bockrath

Carbon Nanoelectronics and Sensors

Nai-Chang Yeh

March 13

Sorry, No PRC Talk Scheduled.


April 3
Rana Adhikari

How to Catch a Gravitational Wave

Andrew Lange

April 10
Lisa Randall
Harvard University

Warped Geometry: Consequences and LHC Signatures

Mark Wise

April 17
Clifford Johnson

Marc Kamionkowski

April 24
Sunil Golwala

Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Science with Bolocam

Andrew Lange

May 1
Rennan Barkana
Tel Aviv University

Marc Kamionkowski

May 8

Giorgio Gratta

Double-beta decay and the quest for Neutrino Masses

Robert McKeown

May 15
Adam Burrows
Princeton University

Theories of the Explosive Death of Massive Stars

Robert McKeown

May 22
Patrick A. Lee

Quantum spin liquid:
from drought to deluge

Nai-Chang Yeh

May 29
Jonas Zmuidzinas

Tom Soifer

June 5
Kip S. Thorne

Marc Kamionkowski

2006-2007 Physics Research Conference Lecture series can be found here

Please send inquiries or correspondence to Sheri K Stoll, sstoll at caltech(dot)edu